2 Min English Học Tiếng Anh Đàm Thoại Hay

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Tags: 2 Min English, Học hành, Tiếng Anh

Học Tiếng Anh Đàm Thoại Với 2 Min English

2 min english

Bộ sưu tập video Học Tiếng Anh Đàm Thoại Với 2 Min English là một trong những cách học tiếng Anh đàm thoại, giao tiếp thiết thực nhất. Đây là một lựa chọn của hầu hết các cuộc đàm thoại hàng ngày bằng tiếng Anh với hình thức của các khóa học ngắn 2-3 phút. Trong tất cả các bài học đều có hầu hết các tình huống hàng ngày như đi mua sắm, đi taxi, đi du lịch, chào hỏi, giới thiệu, ăn uống, cuộc trò chuyện công việc và nhiều tình huống khác.

Dưới đây là danh sách chi tiết các bài học trong 2 Min English:

2 Min English bao gồm

2 Min English bao gồm

001-Fun With English – Talking about a song – Learn to speak English fluently

002-Introducing Yourself in English – Learn to speak English

003-At a restaurant – Speaking in English at a restaurant

004-At a bank – Financial English Lesson – English Training Online

005-At a stationery shop – English Stationery Vocabulary

006-Saying Goodbye in English — What to say when you leave

007-How To Order A Pizza – Ordering a Pizza in English

008-Ordering Coffee – Learn to speak fluent English at a café

009-English Greetings – How To Greet People in English

010-Meeting someone for the first time – Learn to speak fluent English

011-Use of can and can’t – Common Grammar Errors In English

012-At the airport – Speaking English at the airport

013-Taking a taxi – Learn English

014-Asking for directions – Learn to speak English

015-Going on a hiking trip – Travel English Lessons – English Travelling Phrases

016-At a hospital – Speak English words and phrases at a hospital

017-At the supermarket – Free English lesson [Learn English faster]
018-Shopping for clothes – Speak English fluently at a clothes store

019-Describing things and people – Speak English quickly

020-Talking about your family – English Vocabulary and Fluency Exercise

021-Describing people in English – Sample English conversation

022-At the train station – Learn English conversation through quick lessons

023-Likes & Dislikes – How to say you dislike something in English

024-Saying you like something – English words and phrases

025-At the Grocery Store – Free English Lesson (Fluent English)

026-Use of Very and too – Learn to speak English quickly

027-Planning a vacation – Free English speaking course

028-Use of article The – Learn to Speak English Quickly

029-At a hotel – English video lesson

030-Making Excuses – Saying you can’t do something in English

031-Renting an apartment – Free English Lesson

032-Hunting for a job – Finding a job conversation – English language lessons

033-Talking to a teacher – English learning video

034-Ordering things online – English Conversation Lesson

035-Your Morning Routine – English conversation and free lesson

036-Shopping for shoes – English lesson Conversation

037-Use of May or May Not in English – Learn Grammar Rules in English

038-Talking about the weather – Learn English Quickly with Free English

039-Invitations – Inviting people to events – Free English learning

040-Rescheduling an appointment – Learn English Free

041-Complaining About the Internet Connection

042-At a bookstore – Learn English Free Through Online Videos

043-At the gym – English vocabulary and conversations for health

044-Discussing TV Shows – English Conversation Lesson

045-Talking About Career Choices – Speak English Fluently

046-Thanking People – Free English Conversation Lesson

047-Describing Yourself – Sample English Conversation

048-Using Might – Learn Basic English Grammar

049-Use of Can – Learn English Grammar Online

050-Use Of ‘There’ – Learn Basic English. English grammar lessons

051-Use Of ‘Their’ – English grammar and usage lessons

052-Use of it’s and its in English – English Grammar Lesson Online

053-Expressing Surprise and Disbelief – Learn to Speak English Fluently

054-The Proper Usage of ‘Will’ in English Conversations

055-Catching a Bus – Learn English Conversation

056-A Jungle Safari – Traveling English Lesson

057-Historical Figures – Free English Lesson

058-Disagreeing Politely – English Conversation Lessons

059-Consoling & Expressing Condolence – Free English Conversation Lesson

060-Complaining About Things in English – English Tutorial Online

061-Talk over, Take down, Put out, Sneak up on – Phrasal Verbs Lesson

062-How to Ask for Contact Details – Beginner English Lesson

063-Catch up, Check out, Take off, Try on – Phrasal Verb Lesson

064-Talking About Your Favorite Actors – Learn English

065-Talking About Religion – English Conversation Lesson

066-Call off, Fill up, Hang up, Hold up – Phrasal Verb Lesson

067-Talking About T.V Shows – Learn English Language

068-Talking About Pets – English Video Conversation

069-When you lose things – Everyday English Lessons

070-Buying Furniture – Shopping for Furniture – Online English Tutorial

071-Food You Hate to Eat – Fun English Lesson

072-English Teaching – When You Don’t Get Along – Relationships English

073-Grooming Yourself English Lesson – Getting a haircut, salon visit, etc.

074-Handling Interviews – English at the job – English Conversation Lesson

075-Talking About your vacation – Studying English

076-Enquiring About an Ill Friend – English conversation Free

077-Talking about Twitter – Online English Tutor

078-Talking About Credit Cards – Free Spoken English Lesson

079-Going to the bank – Learn Business English

080-Bring up, Do over, Find out, Hand in – Learn Common English Phrases

081-Handling Sales Calls – Speaking English Fluently

082-Buying a Gift For a Friend – Learn to Speak English Free

083-Shopping for a New TV – Learning English Through Two Minute Lessons

084-Leave out, Look over, Look up, Make up – Tutorial English

085-Talking in English about your cellphone – English conversation lesson

086-Discussing Current Affairs or Talking about the news

087-Saying you’re sorry – Spoken English Video

088-Count On, Come Across – Tutorial English

089-Using The Simple Present Tense – Learn English Grammar Online

090-Chip in,Cut off – Common Expressions – English Grammar Lesson

091-Using The Simple Past Tense – Learn Basic English

092-Subject Personal Pronouns – Easy way to learn Grammar

093-Use of Article ‘A’ – Speak Flawless English

094-English Articles – Using ‘An’. English Grammar lesson.

095-Talking About Your Children – Learn To Speak English Fluently

096-The Correct Use of ‘A’ and ‘An’ – Basic English Lesson

097-What is an Adjective – Basic English Grammar lessons

098-Simple Future Tense – Learn English Grammar

099-Beside’ vs ‘Besides’ – Learn Proper Usage In English

100-Either, Neither Correct Usage – Learn English Grammar With Free English

101-Going to the Hairdresser – Speaking English Fluently

102-By Far – Idioms and Phrases – Learning English Online

103-So Far – English Grammar Lesson

104-When You Get Sick – Health English Lesson

105-‘Farther’ and ‘Further’ – Easy way to learn Grammar

106-‘Much’ and ‘Many’ – Learn American English

107-Going to the Beauty Salon – Learn English Online

108-Hear vs Listen – Common English Errors

109-Ask Out – English Grammar Tutorial

110-Asking for More Time – Speak English Fluently

111-See, Look, Watch – English Conversation Lesson

112-Belong To, Belong With – English Grammar Lesson

113-Planning a Weekend Getaway – Fun Vacation English Lesson

114-Inviting to a Wedding Anniversary Party – English Conversation Lesson

115-Talking About Global Warming – Learn English Online

116-Disagree With – Learn English Online

117-Advice, Advise – Best way to learn English Grammar

118-Talking About Extreme Weather Conditions – Better English Lessons

119-Talking About Money – Learn English Quickly

120-Ask In – Common Phrasal verbs – Phrasal Lesson

121-Saying You’re Not Feeling Well – Health English Lesson

122-Use of Ago and Before – Confusing Words in English

123-Talking About Skin Problems – Conversational English Lessons

124-The Difference Between Little & Few – English Confusion Lesson

125-Shall vs Will – Regular English Lessons

126-‘Was’ and ‘Were’ – English Grammar Lessons

127-Whether vs If – Common Errors In English

128-Difference between Good & Well – Vocabulary Confusion in English

129-Talking About Your Car Problems – English Learning Lessons

130-Telephone English – How To Talk In English On The Phone

131-Busy Life – English Listening Lesson

132-Reporting a Theft – Learn English Online

133-When You Can’t Come to the Office – Daily English Conversation

134-How’s Your Day – Learn Good Phrases Daily

135-Talking About Hobbies – Fun with English

136-Parent Teacher Meetings – English Meeting Conversation

137-Why Do You Look Sad- – Daily Learning English

138-I’m Very Happy Today! – English Conversation Lesson

139-Talking About a Movie – Speak English Fluently

140-Preferences and Choices – Elementary English

141-Changing a Hotel Room – Learn English Video Lesson

142-Facts, Routine, Habits – The Simple Present – English Lesson

143-Scheduling a Doctor’s Appointment – Health English Lesson

144-For and Since – How to use the words ‘For’ and ‘Since’

145-‘A Little’ and ‘Little.’ – Common Mistakes – Confusion Lesson

146-‘A Few’ and ‘Few.’ – Learn English Grammar Online

147-Run Out – English Grammar Tutorial

148-Seeing off Your Friends – Free Communication Lessons

149-When You’re Pulled Over – Online English Speaking

150-Looking for Something – Free English Lesson

151-Complaining in English – How To Bitch At People In English! Casual

152-‘Too’ and ‘So’ – Learn Flawless English

153-Talking About Home Related Problems – Learn English Online

154-Sure,Certainly, Definitely, Absolutely – English Grammar Lesson

155-My Favorite Season – English Videos Lessons

156-Renting a Car – Interactive English Lesson

157-Visiting a Museum – Travel English Lessons

158-141-English Exam – Talking About Examinations in English. Education

159-Refusing to Do Something – Daily English Lesson

160-Agreeing to Do Something – Free vocabulary lesson

161-What Time Is It – English Speaking Situations

162-Health English – English Conversation At a Chemist’s Store

163-Between and Among – Common Mistakes In English

164-Using ‘By’ and ‘Until’ – Puzzled Words In English

165-Confusion in English – Alright or All right- English Grammar Lesson!

166-Dog Owners and Their Dogs – Fun English Lesson

167-Making Promises – Interactive English Lessons

168-Breaking Promises – Learn English Easily

169-Talking About Art – Fun with English

170-I’ve Decided to Leave My Job – Business English Lesson

171-I Got a New Job! – Professional English Lesson

172-Asking Somebody Out – Phrases for Dating

173-Idiom ‘A Penny for Your Thoughts’ – Idioms and Phrases Lesson

174-Idiom ‘It’s a Steal!’ – Idioms and Phrases

175-Idiom ‘Be on the Back Foot’- Idioms in English

176-Idioms English – ‘Back to square one’ – English Idioms

177-Idiom Back to the Drawing Board – Idioms In English

178-Idiom ‘A Bad Apple’ – Advanced Idiom English

179-Idiom ‘Leave a Bad Taste in One’s Mouth’ – Introducing Idioms

180-Idiom ‘Bundle of Nerves’ – Introducing Idioms In English

181-Idiom ‘Battle of Nerves’ – English Lessons On Idioms

182-Talking About Cricket – Improve Your Spoken English

183-Idiom carry the day – Idioms In English

184-Idiom ‘Cash Cow’ – Idioms with Meanings

185-Idioms ‘Catch Hell, Get Hell and Give Hell’ – Learn Grammar Online

186-Idiom ‘Dark Horse’ – Common Idioms In English

187-Asking for Help – Useful Expressions for Learning English

188-Ordering Things by Phone – English Video Lessons

189-Asking Your Friends out for a Movie – Entertainment English Lesson

190-Expressing Negative Emotions – The Verbal Communication of Emotion

191-At the Library – Simple English Lesson

192-Idiom – Dead Right – Idioms In English Language

193-Rise and Raise – Confusing Words In English

194-Idiom – Call It a Day – English Grammar Tutorial

195-Freshmen at University – Education English

196-Idiom ‘Damp Squib’ – Learn Idioms Online

197-Running into Someone You Know – English Video Lessons

198-Blow Up – Phrasal Verbs Lessons

199-Idiom ‘Ball Is in Your Court’ – Amazing English Lessons

200-Moving To a Different City – Travel English Conversation

201-Going To the Movies — Fun with English — Easy way to Learn English Fast

202-Making an Appointment in English – Learn to speak English in

203-Favorite Food. What you love to eat! – Easy English Lesson

204-What is an Adverb – Studying English Grammar

205-Starting Conversations – English Conversation Lesson

206-Disagreeing Politely With People – English Tutorial for Beginners

207-Buying at a supermarket – Shopping English Lesson

208-Get Dressed, Dress Up – Getting Dressed – English Conversation Lesson

209-False Friends – Common Mistakes in English

210-Awhile’ and ‘A While’ – Conversational English Lesson

211-‘Have’, ‘Has’ and ‘Had’ – Advanced English Lesson

212-Using ‘Some’ and ‘Any’ – Learn English Grammar Online

213-Eating Out – How to place an order in a restaurant in English Online

214-Are You at Work- – Business English Lesson

215-Things Beyond Your Control – Free English Tutorial

216-Are you on Facebook- – Social media English lesson

217-Negotiating a Better Price – Business English Lesson

218-You are Promoted! – Learn Business English Conversation

219-Another and Other – Difference Between Other and Another

220-Alternative and Clean Energy – Talking About Renewable Energy Sources

221-I Will Do It Later – Study Spoken English Free

222-English Idiom ‘Daylight Robbery’ – Learn Idioms Everyday and Speak

223-Talking to a Co Passenger – Dialogue English Lesson – Airport

224-Talking About Your Job – Business English Dialogues

225-English Idiom – ‘Dig your heels in’ – Youtube idioms

226-Break Down – English Phrasal Verb Lessons

227-Idiom ‘A Bitter Pill’ – Learn English Idioms with Easy Examples

228-Borrowing and Returning Money – Financial English Lesson

229-Talking About Public Transportation – Public Transport Vocabulary

230-Making a Hotel Reservation – English Phrases for making Reservation

231-Back Up – English Phrasal Verb

232-Legal English Online. Hiring a Lawyer – English for courtroom

233-Complaining at a Restaurant – Food English Conversation

234-On the Airplane – Travel English Lesson. Free Video lesson about travel

235-Dead Meat – Idioms in English Language

236-Idiom – Dime a Dozen – Videos On Idioms. English idioms and phrases

237-Talking About Your Home – English speaking practice

238-Business Negotiations – Business English For Negotiations

239-Settle down – Fun With Phrasal Verbs

240-Discussing Bad Happenings – English for Life – Social English

241-Using ‘Is’ – English Grammar Concept – Basic English Grammar

242-Saying Goodbye – Saying Goodbye In English

243-At the Travel Agency – Travel English Lessons. Traveling English

244-Saying Hello in English – All the ways to say hello in English

245-Introducing Yourself – How to Introduce Yourself In English

246-Describing People – English Vocabulary For Describing People

247-Learn English – Job Vocabulary – Part 2. Professions in English

248-Work Vocabulary in English – What job do you do- Part 3

249-English Job Vocabulary – Professions in English

250-What Is a Preposition – Learn English Grammar Online Free

251-Vegetables names in English – Vegetables Vocabulary

252-Use of Talk, Speak and Tell – Confusing Words in English

253-Break In – English Phrasal Verb

254-Expressing Your Positive Emotions – Express Your Emotions In English

255-Talking About Voting – Elections Vocabulary

256-Have and Has – Common Errors in English – Grammar Mistakes in English

257-Back down – Learn English Phrasal Verbs. Introducing Phrasal Verb

258-Moving to a new city – English Phrases for travel

259-Come Around – English Phrasal Verbs Lessons – Phrasal Verbs Self Study

260-Can and Could – Confusion English Lessons

261-Loose, Lose and Loss – Common Mistakes in English

262-Apostrophes – Possession and Contraction

263-How to Use ‘Is’, ‘Are’ and ‘Am’ – Learn English Grammar Online

264-Use of ‘Do’, ‘Does’ and ‘Did’ – Common Grammar Mistakes in English

265-My Family – Family Vocabulary – English Words for Family Members

266-Fruit Names in English – Learn Fruit Names – Fruit Vocabulary

267-Use of Pronouns I, You, He and She – Learn How to Use the Pronouns

268-Introducing Yourself – Part 2 – Introduce Yourself in Different Situations

269-Use of Pronoun It – Use of Pronouns in English

270-Forming Questions with Do, Does and Did

271-What is a Verb – Basic English Grammar Tutorial

272-Look For – English Phrasal Verbs Tutorials – Advanced Conversation

273-Breakfast Time – Food English Conversation

274-Idiom – All Ears – Idiom Of The Day

275-Talking About House Chores – Best Way to Improve Your Spoken English

276-Leaving a message on the phone – English Conversation Tutorials

277-Soon and Early – English Conversation Tutorials

278-‘Has to’ and ‘Have to’ – Common Mistakes in English

279-What is an Adverb – English Grammar Self Study

280-What are Adjectives – Learn English Grammar at Home

281-Talking About Endangered Animals – English Conversation Tutorials

282-Giving Directions – Learn How to Give Directions in English

283-What Did You Do in the Holidays- Conversation in English about Holidays

284-Time To Relax – English Speaking Tutorials for Beginners

285-At A Hotel Part II – Basic English Conversation Lessons

286-Wishing Someone Happy Birthday in English

287-Throw Away – Phrasal Verbs in English Conversations

288-The Difference Between Say and Tell – Confusing Words in English

289-What Is A Noun – Learn English Grammar Easily Online

290-Drop Out – Common Phrasal Verbs in English – Daily English Conversation

291-Put On – Learn Phrasal Verbs Online – Spoken English Tutorial

292-Ordering Food Delivery – Food English Lessons – English Vocabulary

293-The Simple Future Tense With Will – Learn Advanced English Grammar

294-A Hard Day at Work – Learn English Speaking Online

295-Cut In – Learn Phrasal Verbs Easily – Learn English Very Fast

296-Finding an Apartment – Improve Your Communication Skills

297-Talking about dancing in English – Learn Real Spoken English

298-At the Dentist – English Conversation At the Dentist

299-Plans for the weekend – Basics of English Speaking

300-Dating English – Improve Your English Fluency – English Tutorials

301-Backpacking in Thailand! – English Conversation Vacation and Travel

302-Picnic English Lesson – English Travel Phrases – Learn Spoken English

303-How to wish in English on Christmas – Wishing Merry Christmas

304-Talking about Hobbies in English – English Phrases for Hobbies

305-Talking About Marriage in English – Simple Way to Learn English

306-How to order at a restaurant in English – Restaurant Conversation Lesson

307-At a Hotel – Ordering Room Service – English for Hotel and Tourism

308-Talking About Clothes – Learn English Conversation

309-Greeting People in English – Social English Language

310-24What Do You Do – Job English… English Basics Lessons

311-Using Prepositions At, On and In – Common Mistakes with Prepositions

312-In Time or On Time – Confusing Phrases in English

313-At the Airport – English Vocabulary – Learn English for Traveling

314-Can we meet- – Beginners English Course – Speak Perfect English

315-Catching a Bus – Travel English Phrases – English Communication Lessons

316-How’s the Weather – Weather Vocabulary – How to Learn Perfect English

317-Business English – Motivating an Employee in English

318-Talking on the Phone in English – Telephone Vocabulary and Phrases

319-Difference between ‘too’ and ‘to’ in English – Confusing Words in English

320-Reminding People in English – Free English Communication Lessons …

Bộ sưu tập 2 Min English này hơn 300 bài học 😎  mà mỗi bài học bao gồm các tệp sau đây:

  1. Video chất lượng 720p ở định dạng AVI 1 DVD với phụ đề tiếng Anh cho các bạn mới bắt đầu học.

  2. Tập tin âm thanh ở định dạng MP3 để nghe lại các cuộc hội thoại cho các bạn trung cấp.

  3. Tập tin văn bản ở định dạng PDF có chứa tất cả các cuộc trò chuyện trao đổi giữa các cá nhân cũng như các định nghĩa của các từ ngữ quan trọng. (Kịch bản đoạn nghe)


Dưới đây là phần tải cho 10 bài học đầu tiên 2 Min English. Nếu các bạn thấy thú vị với 2 Min English thì hãy like và comment bên dưới nhé để cho mình có động lực làm tiếp những bài học kế tiếp nhé.  🙂

Download Bộ sưu tập video Học Tiếng Anh Đàm Thoại Với 2 Min English

Click đây để tải 10 bài học đầu – Link Mediafire – 240mb

Link Source: http://downloadgamesoftfull.22web.org/english/hoc-tieng-anh-dam-thoai-voi-2-min-english/